OVERWHELMED AND UNDER PRESSUREHad a hard time with this title, typed Overwhelmed and Under... what? Paid? Definitely. Stress? Absolutely. Understaffed was definitely in the running. Duress? Ha! Poopy is cracking the holiday whip and it's coming dangerously close to reddening my butt.
Last night's plan was to have a friend over, drink some beer and we would decorate the tree. It didn't happen and that is probly for the best, as PD informed me in no uncertain terms that tree-decorating is a family activity. Guess my idea was sacrilegious or something. So I went to sleep last night with the intention of getting up early and having at the tree.
In the morning hours after I rolled out of bed, my Avoidance strategy kicked in,
big time. I made my coffee, came on here and read every blog I've visited in the past year. Even a few I haven't. Then I downloaded some music and read some mail and played some Spider Solitaire. Then I smoked a cigarette and made two lists of everything else I'm avoiding. Then I wrote out a Christmas card. Then I ate breakfast. Then I turned the TV on and watched the weather, which was a total waste of time since the ground is covered with snow and that means it's
I did, however, catch the preview of one of those popular medical comedies that everyone watches that gave me a chuckle.
Scrubs, maybe. A "doctor" said something like this... "I'm pretty sure if they took porn off the Internet, the only site left on the whole Internet would be called 'Bring Back the Porn'." And what he said before that reminded me of JuJu, which was something like this... "I'm pretty sure if the person in line in front of me in the coffee shop hasn't decided yet what they want in the half-hour that we've been waiting in line, it's okay if I kill them."
I did a bunch of other stuff too, but I finally got the tree decorated. Finished around 3 pm.
Oh, and today in the mail I received a check in the amount of $2.35 from a bank in the town I grew up in for "Distribution" from the Estate of John C----, someone I've never heard of in my life. Have to look into that, I guess. That will give me something to do, I guess, when I'm looking for things to do to avoid writing out the rest of my Christmas cards.
And get this- One day last week I visited
Moksha Gren's brother
Jet's site on
Myspace. In order to leave a comment, I had to set up an account. All I did was establish a username and password and for practice, I put my picture there. Then I left a few comments on Jet's site and left. Last night Ju and I were on IM and we were talking aboot it, for another reason. I went there and not only did I find my picture there but my age, address, zodiac sign, marital status (single! ha) and a statement that
I do not wish to have children, for gawdsake. And there is no such thing on the page as an edit button OR a delete option. I was pissed. Oh well, whatever.
I came across this quote this morning when I was reading
Blinded by the Lyrics by Brent Mann, when I should have been draping garland... "Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." I could ask you to guess who may have said this, but then I'd just have to be coming back here over and over again all day to check answers. And I have better, er, more important, pressing things to do. It was the late, great Jerry Garcia. No, I've never been a fan but the quote struck me funny.
K, I'm going to go do something that has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming holiday. And then tomorrow I'll post more on Avoidance Techniques 101.
Have a good weekend. And those of you who need to update blogs, please do so.