Voila! A miraculous resurrection in Blogland.
Jeff A. performed some voodoo magic and, in the words of Bill Murray in
Stripes, "It's A-li-i-i-ve!" Or was it Igor /
pron: E
ye-gore/ in Young Doctor Frankenstein? /
Frawnk-en-schteen/... I think Bill Murray. Maybe it was in
Caddyshack??? Anyway. I'm back here posting and thanks to Jeff, we'll be seeing some outstanding examples of what is and is not a paragraph. You know what I mean, that didn't come out right.
Today's post material is borrowed from
JuJu, which I think is an interesting AND therapeutic exercise in an emotional house-cleaning kind of way. The idea here is to say to ten people what you would like to say but for whatever reason, will, in all likelihood, never say. Ten separate things for ten different people. As I was considering what I would like to say and to whom, I realized that while I do not have a whole lot left unsaid, I think I have enough material in that capacity to consider myself not overly repressed but nicely tactful. However, this revelation does nothing to nullify the fact that I am so often
misunderstood. That, in itself is COMPLETELY unnerving to me. I wish I could get to the bottom of this. It's almost as if I speak some foreign language sometimes. I realize that my sense of humor is on the sarcastic side, people who know me in real life pretty much know that but not
always. It pushes me sometimes to the point of frustration where I want to say (Oh, here's one for my list!!!) "For gawdssake lighten
up; just because
you're serious all the time, doesn't mean
everybody is!" And I am seldom serious... A good rule of thumb for dealing with me is just to assume that I'm joking. Aboot 85% of the time, you'll be right. That's not so difficult,
is it??? The odds are better than
So here goes with my list. Please don't assume this is all aboot
you. I know I'll probly get
somebody's knickers twisted but I'm getting used to that...
WINK WINK WINK***********************************************1. I realize that our lives are busy and we haven't been as close lately. I have not always been there for you, especially very recently and I sincerely apologize for that. I really don't have a good reason except that when you probably needed me I was drained from other things. It's not a good excuse I know, and there is no good excuse. I don't know how to tell you this.
2. Although I don't blame you in any way for the situation we find ourselves in, I think you could be more sympathetic to my needs.
3. I wish you could feel what you are doing to those around you and feel the pain you've caused.
You have the strength to change your behavior. Trust yourself.
4. Why did you have to turn all judgemental and righteous on me? You assume too much.
5. Please don't try to make me feel responsible for your happiness. It is not my responsibility.
6. I am sorry that things turned out the way they did. I gave it my best shot. Sometimes love just ain't enough.
7. Look at your life and what it most likely will be like 5 years from now if you keep on this path. Use that image to start making changes now. It would hurt me to see you go on like you are.
8. I have spent most of my life trying to be the person everyone around me wanted me to be. Now that I am finding the parts of myself that are still intact, I wish you would accept and celebrate me instead of trying to dissuade me. It's something I need to do and I need you to trust me.
9. I miss you more than you could ever imagine. I need you now more than ever.
10. You don't have to try so hard. You are one of the most lovable people I ever met. Relax and let us love you. You will be too tired to care someday if you keep this up.
Okay. I'm exhausted now. Have a good Friday
:-) And if you are so inclined, say a little prayer for our friend
Jeff A. He's got his hands full right now and still finds time to be there for everybody else...