Thursday, December 29, 2005


Contrary to the title here, I was not bored for an instant today. I did nothing and maybe even less. What would have been boring would be hanging out with me today. I was online pretty much all day. Learned that I can't download for shit. None of you Readers would believe how bumblingly inept I am in this chair at this keyboard. I get this fantastic little piece of hardware that rhymes with "myGod" that can be filled to the brim with tunes for my listening pleasure. I've had it for as many days as I have not smoked. And it is as empty as my ashtray. I may have to appeal to a higher court (my husband) for help. Asking for help, though, is as difficult for me as, well... Let's just say I would rather saw off my foot.
Where is everybody today? You all better have excellent excuses for leaving me all alone on a day off with nothing to do. I realize that was my choice to slack all day but I thought I would find fellow slackers here. Let me know how you spent your day at least.
STHTTMML: Watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" today. When Jane mistakenly stabs John in the thigh with a knife in the midst of a huge bullet-fest with a whole army of assassins, he gives her "the look" and through clenched teeth snarls, "We will discuss this later."
GSL: "Sloopy, hang on." My theme song for today.


Blogger Jaco said...

This posting is very funny. I laughed myself silly reading it. I can almost see you, although I have no idea what you look like, sitting at your computer trying to get music on to your pod... You should write for a comedy show... For real.

Have you managed to get your pod filled with music? I hope that it's not your ashtray that got filled.

I know what you mean about asking the significant other for help. In some cases I refuse to ask because I'd never hear the end of it.
If you need some help let me know.

I wasn't on line much today. I spent most of the day doing errands and fussing with one of my bikes. Yesterday we could have talked all day. My wife left for work at 8:30 and I stayed in bed with my Powerbook until after 12pm. I only got out of bed because I promised my wife that I would make her lunch...

Anyway. The offer to help with your ipod stands. I love doing that kind of stuff... TTYL

10:20 PM EST  
Blogger Shooter said...

I worked, well kind, and slacked, well kinda, and went to the doctor, for real, and slacked some more and worked some more, well kinda. Good luck with the "myGod". I can't help you there.

11:08 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't mean for you to feel ignored, Linda. I spent the whole day taping, painting, painting and painting. Now, after 11 PM, I'm just about to finish up the dishes, hang the curtain rod back up in the spare room and eventually go to bed so I can get up and go in to work tomorrow at 5.30 AM for a half day, even though I'm still on holidays.

Sound like I'm griping? I had a great Christmas actually, so I'm just venting. Plus, it's late...

1:03 AM EST  

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