Monday, November 06, 2006


I'm not prone to having recurring dreams. In fact, the only dream I ever remember having more than once in my life occurred on three consecutive Halloween nights when I was probly 8 and 9 and 10. I dreamt (is that a word?) that my mom and my aunt were sitting at the kitchen table talking over coffee. I heard my aunt mention that she had heard that the witches were going to be out that night. I felt a great deal of anxiety then. I imagine that it was a kind of realization for me, hearing a grown-up say it surely meant that witches were indeed real. If I had not been sure before, I definitely was now. In my dream I went to bed and awoke (still dreaming) to see two terribly ugly witches bigger than life with huge, bulgy eyes standing on either side of my bed. They each were wearing the standard black witch's garb and holding brooms the way a shepherd would hold a crook or staff or whatever you call them. I scrambled out of my bed and in the process, knocked over my nightstand but managed to get out of the room before either witch could stop me. The next parts have grown blurry to me over the years but I recall next being on a staircase. I don't know if I was trying to go up or down but there was a witch at the top with her broom on fire, lighting the carpet at the top of the stairs and the other, at the bottom doing the same. The fire burned quickly, to the point where the only step not burning was the one on which I was standing. Conveniently, that was the point where I woke up, my skinny little body drenched in sweat and my heart pounding loudly in my chest. The second and third times I had the dream were as totally terrifying to me as the first. I remember the next couple of Halloweens causing some dread in my mind, worried that the dream might come back. I had it one more time, later in life. I was probly a young teenager at the time and I was surprised at how much the dream had stayed the same.

Just recently I have dreamt twice aboot being on a deserted road late at night in the snow on a bicycle. It was very dark and very cold. The dreams were not identical except in that I was on a bike in the dark in the snow, alone. Also in each dream, I was riding normally until a point where I realized that I was riding on pure ice. At that point, I was unable to keep riding and had to get off the bike and push it along beside me. The task was very difficult for some reason. I think the bike was either very heavy or something may have been wrong with the steering. I would like to have the dream again so I could pay better attention to details; for instance if the roads look familiar, or if I can figure out why the bike is giving me problems. I have a few ideas what the dream is trying to tell be but it would be helpful to know these other details.

I need to get some chores done, I didn't accomplish much over this past weekend. Mostly because I went to bed at 10pm Friday night (unusually early for me on a weekend) and didn't wake up until 3:10pm on Saturday afternoon (completely unheard of...). I was royally pissed. I waited all week for that weekend and I slept it half away! :- (




Blogger Buie said...

I wish i could remember more dreams, it seems like the ones i actually do remember are gone within an hour i wake up, I forget em before i can tell em

The only reoccuring dream I can remember is a nightmare. Ever since my little accident, I keep having nightmares about shattered teeth .EW, sorry to start these comments with some yucky imagery

9:46 PM EST  
Blogger FĂ«anor said...

That's a very interesting dream. I felt like I was reading a book or something with you talking about being in the snow or something.

And to rephrase your voting remark: Vote tomorrow IF YOU CARE and if you are NOT AN IGNORANT DUMBASS.

10:31 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I am voting tomorrow. I have all the junk mail fliers from these local candidates ready to return to them too!

12:05 AM EST  
Blogger Mark said...

I dream about my high school classmates a lot -- the ones I didn't hang out with in school. I have no idea why, and the plot in each dream is completely different from the last.

1:42 AM EST  
Blogger One Wink at a Time said...

BUIE: You need to work on that, your dreams are great keys to what's going on in your subconscious and you can learn alot about yourself when you understand what your dreams are telling you. I'll help you if you're interested.

F'NOR: Good to know you're still around. Yeah, your rephrase is good, but DumbAsses don't read here so it's not a problem ;-)

JEFF: It's the phone calls that get me. Bill Clinton called on Saturday. What's he running for???

4:50 PM EST  
Blogger 2complx said...

Voted, if it matters, always do.

I don't have dreams very often that I remember, but those that I do scare me.
I read some book about analyzing dreams don't take much stock in it. My girlfriend in highschool was obsessed with it. She was always trying to analyze everything.
Wow I sound like a grouch today sorry!

5:26 PM EST  

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