Friday, August 18, 2006

EAT MY DUST, SUCKA (or Off to the Family Reunion)
A few hours from here is the old Homestead where my father was born. The property behind the old house has been maintained by various family members and named "(Our Family Name) Park." There is a creek, lots and lots of pine trees, mountain laurel, ferns, all in a pretty little glade in a valley. I have seen some of the most beautiful night skies there, more awesome than any I've seen elsewhere. I can never believe how many stars I see. And the Moon peeking through the trees making long shadows of the pines is enough to take your breath away. I have shared some of the most binding, loving moments in that little park. Being in a beautiful place surrounded by loved ones, some who love you just because you're "family" and others you've built a history with, is such a warm and wonderful feeling. I leave there once a year wishing that feeling would never end. Imagine the seclusion and the feeling of being cut-off from the rest of the entire world. There isn't even cell phone reception there.
Now imagine tons and tons of awesome food on top of that and what you have are the makings of one hell of a fun weekend. Oh, and the BEER. ;-) And I'm not bragging or anything but there are some really effing cool people in my family. I can't understand why so many people dread Family Reunions. I love mine. Those of us who come from "out-of-town" have gotten into the habit of camping there for the entire weekend. Later at night after the "townies" have gone home, we "gypsies" lapse into mega-party mode and spend the night (or at least until the wee hours of the morning) sitting around the fire, reciting movie quotes, acting out movie scenes, singing Johnny Cash songs, telling jokes, just acting crazy in general. At some point we re-live the craziest moments from the previous year and that is getting to be a time-consuming practice ;-)
So I got some cooking and packing to do. Outta here, man. You have a good weekend too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so bummed about missing it, please have fun for me!

9:57 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great time!

2:12 PM EDT  

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