Monday, August 14, 2006

After having given a median/medial (help! which is it???) amount of consideration to the question I posed yesterday concerning how cultures value aging, what my pondering led me to was no more than a profound commiseration regarding the demise of our supposedly advanced, civilized society.
I realize we have evolved into a rather self-centered, pleasure-seeking, godless society for the most part. But when one REALLY looks at our culture, examines the path it's taken and the outlook down that road, one tends to either a) shake one's head in disbelief or b) shake in ones boots in trepidation. It may seem like normal, everyday life to us still, at this point, but how long can we really afford to make the choices and disregard the consequences of those bad judgements? At one time in the not-so-distant past, it was unheard of to commit an aging family member to a nursing home. They were cared for in our homes with love and respect until the end of their lives. Granted, there are extenuating circumstances that would merit such actions. But all too often, the decision to utilize this option is made out of convenience or lack of compassion. If there were a simple, rudimentary respect for elders in place in the first place, would we be so quick to ship them off?
I never want my children to be burdened with the responsibility of my care but I also cringe to think of merely existing for the sake of not dying. I'm curious to know how the situation is handled in, say... Japan, where it is traditional to treat ancestors with great honor and respect. Guess I need to do some reading.
Gah, didn't realize I was going to spend time thinking aboot this and ending up feeling all depressed and shit...
Might as well warn you now people, I'm cutting back on the schmokes in an effort to quit once again. You might be (or not?) reading a lot of ranting, depressing, psycho crap here for awhile. Do I hear you all saying "Yay!!!"? I suppose not. I haven't slated a particular "Quit Day" yet, it has to be something meaningful. That's just how I am, don't give me any crap aboot it. Although I might let Jeff put more than his two cents in... How long's it been now, Amigo?
152. That it's the ones who love you who are the most adept at tormenting you.


Blogger FĂ«anor said...

I'm wondering how aging has changed with modern medicine. When I enter a nursing home, I want to vomit... you see so many people whose lives have been artificially lengthened beyond any quality of life. In former times, you didn't have this same ridiculous healthcare system we have today, and I suppose people weren't quite so afraid of dying...

... speaking of dying, congrats on cutting back on the schmokes. That shit will kill you.

11:00 AM EDT  
Blogger One Wink at a Time said...

K, Guys: I'm already looking for substitute means of gratification. Any (reasonable!) suggestions???

7:44 AM EDT  

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