Monday, May 08, 2006


This being off work and sleeping and eating like a "normal" human being has it's distinct advantages. I could very easily get used to it. But to make that possible, I'm guessing that I would have to have some sort of an income without actually earning it. That would entail some creative and crafty thinking. Hmmm... From what I gather, the chances of getting struck by lightning is greater than hitting the lottery. No thanks. Can't find me a sugar daddy, I'm already married. Don't have a rich relative on a deathbed. Not into robbing banks. WTF. Guess I better just enjoy the hell outta this week, then. Unless someone out there has aboot a million bucks laying around with no useful purpose OTHER THAN MAKING ME VERY DAMN HAPPY.
(Disclaimer: that was not a plea for a donation. Just a daydream.)
I blew the knee out in my favorite pair of Levis today. Now the whole pair matches. They're good, I guess, until the waistband falls off and they won't stay up anymore. But I was wearing them with no shoes today and the strings around the bottom kept getting tangled up around my heels (foot heels, not shoe heels.) Some things are just better old and worn out. Or worn in, whichever. My living room furniture, although it still looks fine, is older than my kids I think. I found it secondhand for my sister when she and her husband built their house over 20 years ago. It was expensive and well-made. When she was done with it, I inherited it. Anyone who has ever slept on the couch will tell you it's awesome. My bed is older than I can even find out. It belonged to a relative of me mum's. It's iron and brass and really cool and I've never seen another one like it. I slept in it when I was small and then it was retired for many years until I decided several years ago to strip and refinish it. What do you have that's really old but meaningful to you? And don't say "My friend, Linda." Because that's not funny.
Adrienne got the answer to the question today. Simon was too slow. That's a first :-)
I can't believe I got two posts out today. Woo Hoo.
Update: I just got email confirmation that I was chosen out of over 150,000 email subscribers to receive a lottery prize amounting to 500,00 euros. Whoopee! I can retire after all. :-)


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