Monday, April 10, 2006


This Replacement's song is about Sylvia Plath... If you are familiar with her you will know exactly why this is such an appropriate title for this post.
Just when you think your life can't suck one more lemondrop,
  • You buy storebrand Maple Brownsugar Oatmeal and it's nowhere near as good as the real stuff
  • A friend you thought would understand, didn't.
  • The pharmacy doesn't open for another whole hour.
  • But that's ok, you have to stay up for at least that long to call your poor Mother and wish her a Happy Birthday and explain that you're still too germy to deliver her fantastic present which isn't wrapped yet anyway.
  • That job that you loved last week is now teetering in the balance (not the job, the love of said job.
  • It's only Monday, crikey.
  • Nobody online at this ungodly hour to commiserate with.
  • Oh wait, JuJu just signed in. Do we really want to whine all over her first thing in the morning?
  • Only got one of four loads of laundry done on the weekend, so #2, #3 and #4 are waiting, crying out, "Do me!" "Do me!" "Do me!" and my basement sounds like a Frank Sinatra Karoke Contest or a Hooker's convention, not sure which.
  • I am resorting to painfully bad jokes and probly chasing off what is left of my Readership.
  • Which reminds (and depresses) me... on De-Lurking Day, my sitemeter picked up 32 (thirty two) separate hits, which is aboot my daily average, a bit less. Did you see how many comments I had that day???!!!
  • Hair is outta control, appointment isn't until Friday.
  • Had to scrape ice off car at 6:15 this am at work with no gloves. Grrrr... It is APRIL.

I could go on but I ain't. You know why? I got yellow roses today and that's really nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

5:00 AM EDT  

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