Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I did a lot of thinking at work last night. I thought about Love and all the different kinds and degrees of It. I had a conversation with one of my Readers awhile ago, or maybe I posted about this, not sure. I love people. Or more specifically, all of mankind. If that makes more sense. I think that makes me a little different than most people. Generally a person grows to love other people as he or she gets to know them, or not, if that be the case. I start out loving people and then as I get to know them, the love I feel either deepens or decreases or ceases or develops into a different kind of love. There are good and bad things about the way I love. It tends to make one more trusting than one should maybe be. It may blind one to things that one should maybe not be blind to. It can make one a prime target for a broken heart or two. But I think the good stuff outweighs the bad overall. It makes me a good listener because I truly care what people have to say. It makes me more empathetic, which is probly why I cry so often, so maybe that's not such a good thing... It lets me see a person in their best light a lot of the time. It just plain feels better, I'm guessing. The way I see it, we're all in this together, and what is the sense of spending a lot of time causing trouble for each other or wasting time looking for reasons to dislike people? Don't get me wrong, if there is someone I just plain don't like, for whatever reason, I will admit it. I can criticize with the best. I'm not one of those people, though, who badmouth everybody and their brother and then profess to be all Christian-y. I try very hard to spend time with and give my attention to the people in my life that I do love and care aboot and don't concern myself with "people with agendas". I try to make sure the people in my life know exactly how I feel aboot them. That's always been important to me, if for no other reason than the fact that you just never know what the day will bring and you could lose someone very dear to you. I would not want to regret not having told someone how I felt aboot them after it was too late. If for some reason I have overlooked telling you how I feel aboot you, ask me and I'll tell you.
I'm overtired, haven't been sleeping like I should. This post was lame and I apologize. I need to go do some stuff so I can go to bed. G' Night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy schmoly, that is one long paragraph. Anyway I don't go to quite that extreme but I do tend to be more trusting of people than I probably should. You would think with my background I would be a bit more critical!

12:42 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm- shall I remind you of the gnat? Or the Gnat II? I sometimes think I get the feeling right away how I feel about people! Too soon, perhaps?

9:20 PM EST  
Blogger The Sassy Orange said...

Totally feel the same way - I love hard and often and I get trounced here and there. But, I also get more out of life than most people. I think you do as well.

2:49 PM EDT  

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