Sunday, January 01, 2006


Just on the off chance that it's not as obvious to you , Reader, I'm starting to have just the teensiest bit of a struggle finding an appropriate song title to use for posting. Bear with me, if they end up being too-too obscure, ask me for an explanation and I will be glad to explain. I figured this might prove difficult at some point, usually a writer writes and then chooses an appropriate title. I (not a writer) am writing and then attempting to find a song title to fit. I will do it as long as I can anyway. So far, Paul and the 'Mats have been pretty cooperative.
As for today's title, it was very appropriate last night at about 12:30. Hardly the phrase one wants to hear while attempting to enjoy a New Year's Eve celebration. I gave new meaning to the idea of "a quiet night at home with the little woman". Of course, it was a mutual thing, so there was really no one to blame. Our plan was to have a little party for two, good food, maybe some wine and a movie.
Somehow in our household I seem to have earned the reputation for picking the world's worst movie rentals. I disagree but it is pointed out to me with a certain degree of regularity. Way too often to suit me... Anyway, "40-Year-Old-Virgin" did not exactly go over with the hub. I have to admit a lot of the dialogue was difficult to swallow in mixed company (even married/mixed company). See, we are not big fans of trash for entertainment's sake and a lot of the "humor" in the movies these days are just that and not our cup of tea. We're not into gratuitous sex scenes, violence for violence's sake. That stuff is fine for you and everybody else, we're just not going to sit and pretend it's funny or cool just because everyone else does. Call us Puritans or prudes if you want. But back to my choice of movie rental... Several people had told me the movie was hilarious and once again, I believed what I was told. Probably 15 minutes into the movie, the hub left the comfort of the couch to go amuse himself on the computer. Could have been the 3 or 4 drinks I had had already but the virgin was beginning to amuse me. I was lol a bunch of times even. I think I just made up my mind, dammit, to have a good time. In the end I would have to say the movie was about 40/60. Forty % funny and sixty % stupid. I fell asleep watching the deleted scenes and woke up right before midnight to a voice repeating over and over "I prefer vaginal intercourse" which was on the dvd. I had no clue where I was for a minute. Was freaky.
So then the hub comes down, we watch the ball drop and exchange our New Years wishes. Probly an hour later we were both in bed.
Next year when you ask me how I plan to spend New Year's Eve, and I say "Quietly at home", slap me upside the head and remind me it's not to late to make reservations for anything other than "quietly at home".
Today I am planning to stay home and take care of all that beginning-of-the-year organizing; receipt filing, transferring important dates to the new calendar, shredding of evidence (wink), that kind of thing. Not exactly excited at the prospect but will thank myself later. Also, in the past those activities always were "enhanced" with a cigarette or two. Will probly be stressful but I will do it just fine. I'll think about something else.
STHTTMMS: Nothing yet, haven't been up long enough. Ok, I lied. Just not into sharing today.
GSL: "Take your seaside arms and write the next line/ Oh, I want the truth to be told." from "True" by Spandau Ballet, 1983


Blogger Mark said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Sometimes, it's a good thing for Ben that we think he's cute. The "terrible two's" are in full force, but he's still an absolute wonder.

12:57 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crossing another movie off my list of ones I want to see. We saw Crash last night. While it has some violence and a lot of foul language, it was very real, which made it all the more disturbing!

11:15 AM EST  

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